Program Type
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Business Analytics Minor

The business analytics minor provides you with the skills to analyze, understand and interpret data. You’ll learn to use state-of-the-art analytical techniques, technologies and software applications such as SAS Enterprise Guide, SAS Enterprise Miner and spreadsheets. By adding this minor to your business or liberal arts major, you increase your value to prospective employers tremendously and expand the range of opportunities available to you.

Accounting student doing calculations in class

How Do I Know If This Minor Is Right For Me?

This minor is ideal for anyone who wants to:

  • Increase their marketability
  • Ensure that they will be able to use their liberal arts major after graduation
  • Become capable of solving real-world business problems with data
  • Stand out from other business major job applicants
Business Management students in computer lab

Learning Experiences

You can look forward to:

  • Small classes in which you get individual attention from your professors
  • Faculty with real-world analytics experience, as well as faculty who specialize in economics, information systems and supply chains
  • Using state-of-the-art software tools, techniques and programming skills to aggregate and analyze data in our hands-on lab
  • Learning to communicate your insights both visually and verbally
Accounting students in classroom

Student Involvement

Student in Life Calling class


Required courses:

  • Information Technology
  • Business Analytics I
  • Business Analytics II
  • Management Science
  • Business Intelligence, Analytics and Data Visualization
  • Database Management

Plus one of the following electives:

  • Computer Programming I
  • Business Spreadsheets
  • Programming for Business I
  • Market Analysis and Research
  • Lean Production & Quality
  • Research in Business Analytics

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